Birds of Costa Rica

    PASSERIFORMES: Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers (Vireonidae)  
Genus: Cyclarhis (1 species, 2 worldwide)

Rufous-browed Peppershrike
Rufous-browed Peppershrike (Cyclarhis gujanensis subflavescens)
Costa Rica  
Photograph by Jorge Obando Gutierrez   © Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved.

This large vireo is found at low altitudes and has a lot of color variation across its large range, especially in the shape and color of brow, and the amount of yellow in the belly, neck and cheek.

© Tom Friedel - All Rights Reserved, except for images and data otherwise noted.       Colombia       Panama       Ecuador       Costa Rica       Mexico
Experimental sites:       Peru       Venezuela       The World       Brazil       Bolivia
Really Experimental sites:       Guyana       Cuba