Palau Ground Dove (Pampusana canifrons) Endangered Range: PO: Palau (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia)
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Polynesian Ground Dove (Pampusana erythroptera) Critically Endangered Range: PO: Tuamotu Arch. (formerly also Society Is.; e Polynesia)
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Wetar Ground Dove (Pampusana hoedtii) Endangered Range: AU: Timor and Wetar (e Lesser Sundas)
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White-breasted Ground Dove (Pampusana jobiensis) Range: AU: New Guinea and some satellites, e Bismarck Arch. and Solomon Is.
White-fronted Ground Dove (Pampusana kubaryi) Endangered Range: PO: Chuuk (=Truk, c Caroline Is.) and Pohnpei (=Ponape, e Caroline Is., c Micronesia)
Truk Atoll
Marquesan Ground Dove (Pampusana rubescens) Endangered Range: PO: Fatu Uku and Hatutaa (Marquesas Is., ne Polynesia)
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Santa Cruz Ground Dove (Pampusana sanctaecrucis) Endangered Range: AU: Tinakula and Utupua (Temotu=Santa Cruz Is., se Solomon Is.) and Santo (n Vanuatu)
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Shy Ground Dove (Pampusana stairi) Vulnerable Range: PO: Fiji (sw Polynesia), Wallis and Futuna (ne of Fiji), Savaii, Upolu and Aleipata (e of Upolu, w Samoa), Manua group (American Samoa, c Polynesia) and Tonga (sc Polynesia)
White-throated Ground Dove (Pampusana xanthonura) Near Threatened Range: PO: Northern Mariana Is., Guam (s Mariana Is., where probably extinct) and Yap (w Caroline Is., w Micronesia)
Miami Zoo, Miami, Florida, USA